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Cotaryl Skin Cream 50gm

INR 115.00INR 115.00

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MG Details :
UREA 12 %+LACTIC ACID 6 %+GLYCINE 3 %+AMMONIUM CHLORIDE 0.5 %+SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.5 %+CALCIUM LACTATE 0.5 %+POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 0.3 mg+Magnesium Chloride 0.3 %+Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate 0.5 %
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What is COTARYL SKIN? Introduction: Cotaryl skin cream is a skin protective with natural moisturizing factor to treat dry skin. It is indicated for dry and hyperkeratotic skin and all types of ichthyosis. Urea as a keratolytic used to treat dry/rough skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis) and also used to help remove dead tissue in some wounds which help wound healing. Lactic acid helps to improve the skin's natural moisture factor or the way the skin keeps itself hydrated. It helps to keep the skin moisturized and feeling less dry and also stimulates collagen renewal and can firm your skin. Cotaryl skin cream gives lasting increase in moisture content in the skin leaving it smooth and supple. It also reduces skin roughness and tightness and prevents further moisture loss. Key composition of Cotaryl skin cream: Urea Lactic acid Ammonium chloride Glycine Sodium chloride Potassium chloride Calcium lactate Magnesium chloride Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate
Therapeutic uses of Cotaryl skin cream: Used for dry and hyperkeratotic skin and all types of ichthyosis Prevents redness and dryness Gives long lasting protection from dryness Gives intense moisturization Nourishes the skin

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